Michelle and her Seeing Eye Dog Mirla

Michelle discovers the next step in her vision journey

Long-time cane user, Michelle, shares how Seeing Eye Dog Mirla increased her sense of independence and safety after her vision began to deteriorate.

"Mirla’s enriched my life. I’ve developed so much more confidence to get out and about in the community and she gives me a whole lot more independence in that respect.”

Read the full story

What is involved in training with a Seeing Eye Dog? 

Seeing Eye Dogs make phenomenal mobility guides and companions.
But how are these special partnerships created? Is there a waitlist?
We answer common questions for future clients considering a Seeing Eye Dog. 

Youth Program

Seeing Eye Dogs hold youth camps for students aged 12 - 18 to increase their independent mobility skills in a safe and social environment. 

Learn more
Youth camp participant, Bodhi, and yellow Seeing Eye Dog, Izzy